How to Do Hospitality Right

If you’re in the hospitality business and you haven’t looked into 3D renderings, now is the time. In the hospitality world, renderings can put you leaps and bounds ahead of your competition. Keep reading to see the 5 reasons why SONNY+ASH’s renderings will help you out! There are so many choices to make before your … Read more

The Power of Walkthroughs

SONNY+ASH’s VR walkthroughs create an unbeatable immersive experience for your customers. Nothing is better than actually being in your space, so why not give them the closest thing possible? A walkthrough will leave no doubt in the customer’s mind that your space is for them. In considering the difference between each of our rendering options, … Read more

Virtual Reality in the Medical Field

As the possibilities of Virtual Reality grow, benefits have been extended to differing fields. As the medical field has integrated VR into training, surgeries, and treatments, medical professionals are able to prioritize safety, materials, and patient care. SONNY+ASH has the resources to aid the growth of VR in the medical field and is excited to … Read more

Why use 3D Animation?

Sometimes, a rendering just won’t cut it. We get it! It might not give the same experience as walking through a space or trying a product. But, with the use of animation, your customer will notice important details, appreciate the vibe, and get a feel for the size of the room. With the help of … Read more